Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot nights in Texas....

Some year I should get the hang of setting aside time to write.  Lately, we've been trying to get into a new routine with Gage being here for the summer.  Luckily, he's been very patient with his younger brother, for the most part.  We've also brought home our most recent foster Basset, Olivia.  She's a spunky black and tan girl who loves to play.  Sounds like she was an owner surrender, but she has a scar around one of her back legs where something was used to tie her up.  Maybe it was more of the SPCA saying you surrender her or you can go to jail type thing?

Anyway, enough about that.  Dinner tonight was quick and easy.  Lightly browned some sweet Italian turkey sausage, about half a pound, in a tablespoon of olive oil.  Added 3 diced plum tomatoes and about 2 tablespoons of chopped Italian parsley.  Let that simmer for about 5 minutes, until the tomatoes are tender.  Then added in 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, and let that simmer for a minute.  Removed the pan from the heat and cover, set aside.  Cooked and drained about a half pound of Cavatappi pasta.  Brought the pasta back to the warm pot, poured the sausage mixture over and combined.  Served with grated Parm.  We had ours with crusty bread and butter.  A salad would have been a good veggie, but the boys were getting crabby. 

On the menu for the rest of the week.....SOS, vegetable beef soup in the crock pot, and pizza night! Tomorrow night I'll post the recipe for the soup.  It's the best! I always have hard rolls to serve with it.  The best thing is that it's so easy and cheap to make.  SOS is a standby, we have ours over toast, although I think a lot of people eat theirs over mashed potatoes.  Too starchy for my liking.

I've found a few new recipes I want to try as well.  I'll have to share those as I get the chance to make them.  Gage has a request in for Taco Twist Soup.  Very yummy!'s been an exhausting day full of cleaning and laundry.  I'm beat, and ready for bed! Unfortunately, it's back to work tomorrow.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

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