Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lazy Sunday

This morning we woke up to 4 inches of the lovely white stuff.  Yes, I live in Texas, and yes, it is the 21st of March.  We've had a very odd year with record snowfall and freezing temperatures, so this didn't really come as a shock to me.  Luckily it was almost gone by the time the sun set.

This did put me in the mood for a good old standby, grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Nothing special this Sunday, I'm afraid.  But it was very yummy.  I ended up making the organic tomato soup I had purchased a few weeks ago.  We also added ham to the grilled cheese.  Something that always makes me feel a little more adult when eating the old stand by.  I remember when I was little, having soup and sandwiches with my mom.  We usually ate while watching Sesame Street, or Mister Rogers.  I even remember all of the combinations.  Spaghetti O's with peanut butter and butter sandwiches, Vegetable Beef or Barley Beef with bologna sandwiches, with lettuce and mayo.  Maybe this is why soup makes you feel so good.  It's like home, warm and inviting.  I think recreating this with  my children is important, so maybe one day they can look back and remember.  It seems strange that one simple thing, could make me miss my childhood and feel the need to recreate it.

The littlest one isn't that interested in soup yet, but we do share a bowl of Spaghetti O's on occasion.  Of course, now they come in all shapes and sizes.  We chose Cars, with meatballs of course.  He's not much for tv, and loves to watch silly shows when he's in the mood.  Yo Gabba Gabba, Handy Manny, to name a few.  How much has changed in just the short time I've grown up and become a mother.  Nothing is the same, and everthing keeps evolving.

Well, this is where I say good night.  It has been a long day for my little family.  Lots of errands and playing today.  Tomorrow's dinner looks to be a pork loin.  This will be the first time I've ever cooked one, so I'm sure I'll be posting on that soon.

Good night all, hope you had a lovely Sunday with your families and loved ones! 

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