Monday, June 27, 2011

Something new....

In a mere 13 weeks my family and I will be returning to Iowa to once again participate in some of our Fall traditions.  I cannot explain how excited I am, even if it means driving many, many miles.  We'll be traveling to Gays Mills, Wisconsin to visit the apple orchards and purchase some yummy baked goods.  Just think, warm apple cider doughnuts melting in your mouth.  Buttery cashew brittle, the best I've ever had! Cheese curds so fresh, they squeak when you eat them! And, of course apples.  Fresh, sweet Honey Crisp apples.  I'm drooling just thinking about all of these wonderful things.

We'll also be venturing to Kroul's Farm.  It's a little family place between Mt. Vernon and Iowa City.  Every year when it gets close to October, they set out all the pumpkins they've grown for everyone to walk though and pick their favorites! They also have a corn and hay bale maze, silly painted murals to stick your heads through and snap goofy family photos, and even a few farm animals to pet.  This was a tradition I started when Gage was a baby, and we never missed a year until we moved to Texas.  It's been sad, and a bit difficult finding things that live up to these traditions, so going back will be sure to give me a big dose of happy.

^^The boys @ Kroul's^^

^^Photo op.  My oldest, my niece, and my youngest.^^

Traditions are nothing without family.  They're the most important part.  It would be great if our whole family could get together to do this all again! By the time I get back, I'll have a new nephew that will only be a few months old.  I'll get my baby fix! Heck yes!

Anyway, the point of all of that was to tell you that I definitely need to get back in shape before heading home.  I need to do it anyway, but this is totally going to motivate me.  I need that extra stress to make me do it.  Yes, everyone says you should do it for yourself.  Well, this self is lazy and a procrastinator.  I admit it.  Sad but definitely true.  The last time I made the big push was when I was going to see one of my best friends from high school.  Speaking of, our 15 year reunion is this year.  Yikes!

^^ Skinnier me on our honeymoon in NY^^

Today is Day 1.  Breakfast was delish! I've been reading a new blog called Iowa Girl Eats.  It's freaking amazing, and I love it! It's my new BFF.  Yes, I'm going that far. 

Today I made a the Green Monster for breakfast.  IT.WAS.AWESOME.  Please do not let the fact that it has spinach in it deter you from making this shake.  It is so, so, so, so good! You really can't taste the spinach.  I was a little concerned with using unsweetened vanilla almond milk, but it's actually really good.  Just the right amount of sweet.  Also, I recommend cutting the frozen bananas into one inch pieces.  Makes it a little easier to blend together.  Well, enough with the talk, here's the recipe!

IGE's Green Monster

In the mix:
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1/2 Tablespoon chia seeds (I couldn't find these in my local store, so I used 1 Tbsp of ground Flax)
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond breeze
  • 1 Tablespoon almond butter
  • 1 frozen banana
  • enough spinach to fill the blender to the top!
In the blender I placed the almond milk first, then all the others except the spinach and banana.  Spinach next.  Then, I put the blender top in the fridge until morning.  You don't need to do this.  She mentions doing it this way, making it easy to blend before work.  Then, after you blend everything down, you add the frozen banana and blend away until it's all smooth and creamy!

There are so many more recipes on her site that I'm going to be trying along this 13 week journey.  I promise to keep you posted every day!

For now, I have a ginormous migraine and must go.  This screen is giving me shooting pains through my eyeballs! Yikes! Hope y'all have a great day.  Try the Green Monster, you'll love it!