Sunday, April 11, 2010

And so we begin again, James Finnigan.....

I've been slacking a bit on updating this blog, not that there are any followers to disappoint, only myself to let down when I don't update.  I may try something new and update more than just Sundays.  My goal was to write about bringing back Sunday dinner, but I have realized that what I truly aim to do is write about bringing my family closer by making dinner at home instead of ordering out, or picking up fast food on the way home.  Fast food isn't something we eat on a regular basis, only once a week, if that.  But, if I can share my secrets to quick, healthy dinners any night of the week, then that is just as good as bringing back Sunday dinners.

This Sunday, we took a trip, our first without other family members tagging along, to the Fort Worth Zoo.  The littlest one had so much fun, we can't wait to go with his brother in the summer.  I think we have officially found a way to wear him out! It was very nice just to spend time together, the three of us, out of the house, going somewhere we haven't been before.

Needless to say, Fort Worth is an hour from home, so it was frozen pizza night.  But we were all stuffed full of candy and funnel cake from the zoo, no one really minded the frozen pizza.  My husband barely touched his!

Last Sunday was Easter Sunday.  We had the traditional spiral ham, but I made an orange marmalade glaze, which was ever so yummy.   Just marmalade, oj, and some brown sugar.  Baste with the juice the ham and glaze make during cooking, and viola, yummy orange ham! I also made roasted lemon potatoes, which I was told I must make again.  Then fresh green beans as the second veggie.  Very yummy indeed!

The weather has been so nice, we've been grilling a lot as well.  Normally chicken, pork chops, steak, burgers, hot dogs or brats.  What ever the time allows that night.  We've gone back to charcoal, and I'm so glad for that.  What better way to make s'mores after dinner? Not as much fun with a gas grill.  Veggies have been potatoes, russets or sweet potatoes, grilled zuchinni or squash, and bacon wrapped asparagus roasted in the oven.  That has been my new favorite, however unhealthy it may be.  The asparagus inside the bacon becomes so tender, and the tips of the asparagus become crispy with a wonderful nutty flavor.  I've tried them on the grill, and it does flame up because of the bacon, so I prefer to roast in the oven on a jelly roll pan at about 425* for 15 minutes or so, turning once half way through.

It's been an exhausting day, and it was all I could do to write this much this evening.  Hopefully my friend Cassie is still reading this, as she has disappeared from my fb page.  I'm hoping everything is okay with her, as well as her family.

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday, and told someone you loved them today and everyday.  Goodnight!